Has destiny brought you here? I dare to think it is a possibility. Welcome.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Before I continue talking about the year 2012.


Since the topic of 2012 was first shown to the world, I've seen that many people have used it to create fear, for God knows what reason. If the Mayans left all this information to us, I wouldn't think that their only intention was to cause mass panic among world's civilizations. For what I've come to understand, this change that apparently is about to happen, will transform all of the people in this planet and will also get us, with mother Earth included, to a higher level of consciousness and understanding. It will lead us to what some people call a higher density. What many people don't say about this prediction is that the Mayans stated that, among the many changes the will occur, time as we now it will DISAPPEAR as well as money. This will happen for us to understand many of the laws in the Universe that many still don't know. We are going to understand the importance of a life lived in harmony with nature, of a life lived projecting LOVE to every angle of our existence and most all, the importance of a life lived without materialism. This prophecy is like a wake up call to humanity to understand that we should stop our actions based on hate, pride, vanity or selfishness. Only by doing this we are going to be able to pass through this cosmic change in a positive way.

I wish that every persons with the guts to talk about this topic would emphasize the positive things that our ancestors were trying to explain in this prophecies. It is not for us to have fear, but for us to wake up and change our old actions, which have certainly got us to a point where there too much separateness between each human being. I invite you all to meditate and try to make a personal examination of yourselves to see if you are really acting in favor of the whole human community. Ask yourself if you are giving enough to others that need your help desperately. Be conscious of the words that you speak every day and of the actions your perform, and evaluate if you are the good person that you are intended to be. As a word of advise, if you don't like what you've just read, I would tell you not to depend on physical things or on money to live a happy life, and not to build your identity based on what you have or own. Base your life in a spiritual fulfillment and on good actions towards your fellow humans, because in the end when all material things become worthless, you will only have that, your universal family which is every human in planet Earth. I think that if you follow this advise, the transition might be easier.

With respect and care to everyone who comes across these words.

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