Has destiny brought you here? I dare to think it is a possibility. Welcome.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Relationships - Agreements - Love - Creation

I know I was supposed to write about Telos (the underground city under Mount Shasta) in this next post, but I figured something more important to discuss before we get back to the Agarthian Network of Cities. This post is about relationships and our responsibilities when we are part of one. 

You know, when we come to this planet and to this dimension, we come as CREATORS and as FREE BEINGS. Our soul nature is to be free and by instinct, we will protect that freedom; our spirits need to feel released from any strings that might make us feel limited in any way. We must understand that in order to become the CREATOR that we were meant to be, we must first let our spirits flow in the freedom that is expected for each and everyone of us. You see freedom makes you happy; when you are happy, you may obtain things or feelings that can be shared with others; and when you have something that can be given away, you can make someone happy and thus, you can have a wonderful relationship with whomever you want to share your life with. When we start a relationship, it is because of the need to share our happiness with a person that can reciprocate that feeling, and that's why everything is so dazzling. The problem is that when some time has gone by, many people forget that they must fill themselves up again, in order to have something that can be given away to the person that has decided to share his/her life with them. In other cases, people have forgotten how to be free or how to let the other person feel the freedom that we talked about at the beginning of this post. And that's when problems start. 

You know, when you ask another person to behave in a certain manner or to give you things in order for you to be happy, that's is not love. For when you really love somebody, you ask for nothing but you give away what you have. Love doesn't ask for anything, love doesn't even notices how much someone is giving you, but makes you feel concerned on how much you are giving away and pushes you to keep giving. Happiness is achieved in that manner in a more profound way. Yet, another way to keep happiness in your life, is by never forgetting that you are a CREATOR by nature; that is the purpose of your and everyone’s existence. As partners in a relationships, we are also CO-CREATORS, and we must try to co-create with our partner the reality and every moment that makes him/her happy. Relationships are about sharing and not about what we see in the media. We must not let television or Valentine’s Day (romantically speaking) be the basis or the foundation of our everyday relationships. Instead, remember you and everybody in this planet came here to CREATE and experience the magnificence of this world in an autonomous way. We decide to share our experience with other beings, and that’s because we have the ability to LOVE; that is why we CREATE relationships. All this has been given to us as a gift from that eternal energy, which we call GOD. Nurture your life so you can share it with someone else in a healthy manner, in which both of you will feel complete. CREATE; you create when you talk; when you discuss a new idea; when you decide to go out with friends; when you decide to go for a walk or for a swim; when you decide you want to learn how to paint, or how to play a guitar; or when you decide to start a new business; when you exercise, when you write a movie script or a fabulous song, etc, etc. Nurture your life and help others nurture theirs; in that way you will always have great relationships (but start with yourself). When a problem presents itself, think first and don't react on a feeling that you probably don't understand. Remember LOVE is about giving and not about wanting. That’s all; I hope you ponder on it.

If you want to listen to Esther Hicks on this topic, check the last video on the left side of your screen, in the section called, "Law of Attraction -  Teachings of Abraham". It is the last video on the bottom (the one with the smiling kid).

Have a great one everybody,


Thursday, August 13, 2009

Real Underground and Spiritual Cities

Underground cities? It sounds like a science fiction movie or book. As a matter a fact, I bet that many of you saw last year's movie, "Journey to the Center of the Earth", directed by Eric Brevig and starred by Brendan Fraser. If you haven't seen it and like fantasy, I recommend you to watch it.

As a part of an unproven Ancient History, many have said that the Earth was inhabited by numerous advanced civilizations long time ago. Among the most famous ones, we can mention the Lemurian and the Antlantean civilizations. People who lived there are considered today as very intelligent and advanced beings, who could travel interdimensionally and also, had the ability to control matter with only the use of their minds. These people are said to be the founders of what we now know as the Egyptian civilization. There came a time when these advanced beings had to look for underground places where they could continue evolving and flourishing. Many say this happened because of an ideological conflict between one group who wanted to control less advanced beings, and another who thought it was better to let them evolve at their own pace. This allegedly resulted in a war that made it impossible to live in the surface on the planet. Another theory was that a huge calamity happened all around the planet and these advanced ones sought refuge below the surface, building underground cities and retrieving themselves to live there.

It all resulted in the creation of what is known as the Agarthian Network of Cities; a group of interconnected, underground cities; a total of approximately one hundred of them. Some people have even alleged that they have had the opportunity to visit these cities in the present days. The most mentioned ones are: Telos, under Mount Shasta in California; Erks, under Uritorco hill in South America; and Shamballa the Lesser, of which I cannot recall a location.

The stories told by people who have alleged their presence in these cities are incredibly wonderful and fantastic. Places where there is no need for money and where life is full of love; where there are beings from other dimensions and other planets; where one can experience the fifth dimension; where people travel using electromagnetic sleds; and where computers are created  based on amino acids. It is just wonderful. I really hope that one day I get the chance to visit these places and talk to the incredible beings that must live there.

Coming soon: Telos - A Crystal City of Seven Rays.

Have a good one everybody,


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

A Spiritual Conspiracy

I recently received a very interesting feed from a lady I respect very much; Blossom Goodchild. It is an answer to many who question the reasons why aliens haven’t shown themselves to the general public here on Earth. You see, humans believe that in all the worlds of the universe, the same conduct is to be expected; many believe that things are supposed to be as Hollywood has shown us; many think that aliens will come and ask us to give them the chance to appear on T.V.

Why would extraterrestrial want to talk to the world leaders if these have proven to be only interested in power and have kept an unbalanced status quo on this planet, where the majority of the population lives in poverty?

What kind of leaders have they proven to be? And more interesting, does the general public even care about the apathy shown by the rulers of this planet?

The general perception of a good life around the human population has proven to be corrupted by fear, greed, pride, vanity and many other "childish" habits that predominate in most of the human minds; it is a fact that humans are still little kids who are trying to evolve into more mature creatures.

Parents, do you not let your kids learn somethings on their own before there is a need for you to intervene?

Don´t we all know that there's always a correct time for things to be learned?

Do you really believe that a more evolve being would want to come to our level of existence and behave as most of us do?
I don´t think so; they wouldn't want to appear on T.V. or radio just to become "popular rockstars" and have powerful friends, fulfilling their desire for a life full of luxury or any other frivolous goal. That is not likely; let's try to be reasonable. Instead, I believe that another way would be chosen to help us learn on our own, until there's a need for them to intervene publicly (if it ever happens). That's why I’ am going to post the message that I received from Blossom Goodchild; it’s like a poem and the author is anonymous. I hope you like it and understand it. Here it goes:


On the surface of our world right now
There is war, violence, and craziness
And things may seem dark.

But calmly and quietly
At the same time
Something is happening underground.

An inner revolution is taking place
And certain individuals
Are being called to a higher light.

It is a silent revolution
From the inside out
From the ground up.

This is a global co-operation
That has sleeper cells in every nation.
It is a planetary Spiritual Conspiracy.

You won't likely see us on T.V.
You won't read about us in the newspaper.
You won't hear from us on the radio.

We don't seek glory.
We don't wear any uniform.
We come in all shapes and sizes, colors and styles.

We are in every country and culture of the world
In cities big and small, mountains and valleys
In farms and villages, tribes and remote islands.

Most of us work anonymously
Seeking not recognition of name
But profound transformation of life.

Working quietly behind the scenes
You could pass by one of us on the street
And not even notice.

We go undercover
Not concerned for who takes the final credit
But simply that the work gets done.

Many of us may seem to have normal jobs.
But behind the external storefront
Is where the deeper work takes a place.

With the individual and collective power
Of our minds and hearts
We spread passion, knowledge, and joy to all.

Some call us the Conscious Army
As together
We co-create a new world.

Our orders come from the Spiritual Intelligence Agency
Instructing us to drop soft, secret love bombs
when no one is looking.

Poems ~ Hugs ~ Music ~ Photography ~ Smiles ~ Kind words
Movies ~ Meditation and prayer ~ Dance ~ Websites
Social activism ~ Blogs ~ Random acts of kindness…

We each express ourselves
In our own unique ways
With our own unique gifts and talents.

"Be the change you want to see in the world"
That is the motto that fills our hearts.
We know this is the path to profound transformation.

We know that quietly and humbly
Individually and collectively
We have the power of all the oceans combined.

At first glance our work is not even visible.
It is slow and meticulous
Like the formation of mountains.

And yet with our combined efforts
Entire tectonic plates
Are being shaped and moved for centuries to come.

Love is the religion we come to share
And you don't need to be highly educated
Or have exceptional knowledge to understand it.

Love arises from the intelligence of the heart
Embedded in the timeless evolutionary pulse
Of all living beings.

Be the change you want to see in the world.
Nobody else can do it for you.
Yet don't forget, we are all here supporting you.

We are now recruiting.
Perhaps you will join us
Or already have.

For in this spiritual conspiracy
All are welcome, and all are loved.
The door is always open.

~ Author Appropriately Unknown

