Has destiny brought you here? I dare to think it is a possibility. Welcome.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Earthquake in Honduras

Today is the first day after most of the Honduran population was woken up by an unexpected tremor that rocked almost all the country for about 15 seconds - give or take a few. The epicenter happened on the Caribbean Sea, 125 km. NE from the coast of the city of La Ceiba, very close Roatan, an island that serves as a very popular touristic destination. The earthquake occurred at around 2:45 a.m. on Thursday morning and it generated mass panic on most of the fellow residents of this beautiful country, Honduras.

Now, let’s analyze this event:

Honduras has not been known as a country with a high level of earthquake occurrence. This is probably because the whole country is located on top of just one plate and not on top a fault, where two tectonic plates would be in contact. Honduras is located on top of the Caribbean plate, a relatively small and almost stable tectonic plate until lately. See, the important thing about this is that if no fault crosses beneath the Honduran territory, there is a big probability that earthquakes' epicenters will never happen directly below the country. So why did we feel this tremor? Well, because it was a 7.3 magnitude quake in the Richter Scale, and that means that this was a very powerful one. This has been the fifth strongest earthquake in this year (2009), out of the 25 that have been significantly strong. Now here are more important facts:
Since 2007, the amount of significant earthquakes around the world, happening in the first five months of the year (up to May), has increased approximately 60 to 80 percent, starting during the late year 2008, and repeating already during the year 2009. These changes have been very noticeable through this decade, when we started having only 10 quakes on the year 2002 during the first 5 months. There’s an exception though; there were 27 significant earthquakes on the first five months of the year 2003. Another important fact is that the Caribbean Plate started to cause earthquakes in the year 2007, which means it started to move in that year in a more significant way; not that it had never moved before.
Is all this telling us that "SOMETHING" is changing? Is it a warning? This seems to be a gradual phenomenon, and might be a "wake up call" to US; not just us Hondurans but all of us human beigns.
I'am not trying to relate this to the year 2012; it might not have anything to do with the predictions, but at least I think that this should get everyone thinking. Be aware of the signs people. We may be approaching something really "important".
Do your own investigations and figure out your truth. When you start doing this you will understand many things on your own; no one will force knowledge into your mind.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Let's continue with the 2012 topic - Institute for Human Continuity

Should someone take advantage of other people´s fears? How would you feel if someone could gain a great income from causing mass panic? Now a days, many organizations and individuals have seen an opportunity to generate money by exploiting the topic of the year 2012. This topic has become so controversial and so popular that anyone who just pronounces the number "2012" catches as many glances as you can imagine. And when you add up all the news about the flu pandemic, "2012" just gains momentum and amazingly increases its popularity. Many take advantage of that.

Now I would like to talk to you about what the advertising industry calls "Viral Publicity".
What is viral publicity? Here´s a definition I found on the Internet:
Viral Publicity is doing things that get attention for your company, whilst causing frenzied fans to fanatically fantastically spread your message for you, thereby creating new uses of your product, new slangy slogans, new communities of shared interest, and new ways of being who you think you are.

Well let me tell you that the movie "2012" is coming soon to a theater near you. Yes, indeed it is. Why? Because this is such a popular topic that for sure, can generate millions of millions of "THE GREEN". And guess what? Do you know that some people believe that there's no such thing as BAD PUBLICITY? That's true. You may speak good or bad things about a person, but if it is controversial enough, I can assure you that a lot of people around the world are going to want to know what is that thing that you are saying about that person. Viral publicity may use as many weapons as it can to fire up a massive and effective advertising campaign; or it can just be used to make something more popular. Well, this is what the creators of the film 2012 are doing. They are trying to tell the public that the year 2012 is a guaranteed apocalyptic year, and that MOST of the human civilization will be wiped out. Why are they doing this? Simple, to catch everyone's attention and guarantee the film´s success. How are they doing this? Well, for starters, they created a very serious website for a fictitious organization called, The Institute for Human Continuity. http://www.instituteforhumancontinuity.org/.
The idea is to get as much people as they can to be interested in the movie. But how? By taking advantage of their fear. If someone assures you that the world will experience a calamity of apocaliptic proportions, but they also say that they can help you survive that calamity, wouldn't you be REALLY interested in knowing what they have to say? Of course you would. This is a genius idea or a macabre one. Depends on the point of view. I would incline for the latter.

These people don´t mention the good things that the Mayan Civilization said about the famous or infamous year, 2012. So to end this post, I would like to say that to you: Be aware that many are going to try take advantage of your fears, and that NOT everything that you may find about 2012 is necessarily true. There are many jokers out there. That´s why we must all be constantly vigilant. That year will come no matter what. If you are afraid, it is probably because you "owe" something. We shouldn´t wait for something to scare us to start doing good things in this world. Just stop doing "The Bad" and start doing "The Good". That would make this a better world to live in; and if something apocalyptic happens, at least you will have your piece of mind. Be the light you want to see, everyone. GOD bless you all.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Before I continue talking about the year 2012.


Since the topic of 2012 was first shown to the world, I've seen that many people have used it to create fear, for God knows what reason. If the Mayans left all this information to us, I wouldn't think that their only intention was to cause mass panic among world's civilizations. For what I've come to understand, this change that apparently is about to happen, will transform all of the people in this planet and will also get us, with mother Earth included, to a higher level of consciousness and understanding. It will lead us to what some people call a higher density. What many people don't say about this prediction is that the Mayans stated that, among the many changes the will occur, time as we now it will DISAPPEAR as well as money. This will happen for us to understand many of the laws in the Universe that many still don't know. We are going to understand the importance of a life lived in harmony with nature, of a life lived projecting LOVE to every angle of our existence and most all, the importance of a life lived without materialism. This prophecy is like a wake up call to humanity to understand that we should stop our actions based on hate, pride, vanity or selfishness. Only by doing this we are going to be able to pass through this cosmic change in a positive way.

I wish that every persons with the guts to talk about this topic would emphasize the positive things that our ancestors were trying to explain in this prophecies. It is not for us to have fear, but for us to wake up and change our old actions, which have certainly got us to a point where there too much separateness between each human being. I invite you all to meditate and try to make a personal examination of yourselves to see if you are really acting in favor of the whole human community. Ask yourself if you are giving enough to others that need your help desperately. Be conscious of the words that you speak every day and of the actions your perform, and evaluate if you are the good person that you are intended to be. As a word of advise, if you don't like what you've just read, I would tell you not to depend on physical things or on money to live a happy life, and not to build your identity based on what you have or own. Base your life in a spiritual fulfillment and on good actions towards your fellow humans, because in the end when all material things become worthless, you will only have that, your universal family which is every human in planet Earth. I think that if you follow this advise, the transition might be easier.

With respect and care to everyone who comes across these words.

The Controversial Year, 2012

The Mayans.

One of the most amazing cultures that has ever existed in this planet was that of the Mayan civilization. Why are they so amazing and so popular in today´s world? Let me give the reasons why. This civilization was noticeably advanced in what respects to Mathematics and Astronomy, amoung other sciences. The knowledge that they were able to gather, led them to many discoveries in the fields that they were studying, making them able to create what amazes us so much in the present day: The Mayan Calendar.

The Mayan Calendar is incredibly precise; it is even more accurate than the calendar that we use in the present time. How did they do this? It is just unimaginable. But the most intriguing aspect of the Mayan Calendar is that many people believe it is prophetic. The Mayan Calendar has predicted many events that are proper to the actual world. ALL of the predictions made in the calendars have come true. If we were to make a contest to see which famous predictor is the most accurate one, The Mayans would definitely win. Where was this calendar found? It was found in what is known as a Mayan Codex. There are many Mayan Codexes; some have been found already and others are suspected to exist but have not been found yet. The most important codex found up until now is the Dresden Codex. It profoundly explains the mayan calendar in terms of what they called the long count, which is what really started all this commotion in the present day. The long count indicates the beginning of an era all the way to the very end of it. It indicates that the present era in which WE are TODAY will come to an end on the winter solstice of the year 2012, on the 21st of December.

IT IS VERY IMPORTANT to understand that the Mayan Calendar indicates the end of an era, the end of a cycle or one could call it a change, but it DOES NOT state that this means the end of the world or the end of the human species. What will happen is a big change and possibly the end of the world AS WE KNOW IT. But we are not going to be wiped out.

Many other cultures have predicted major changes due to happen in the year 2012. This cultures will be discussed on future posts. This is the introduction of the main idea of what the year 2012 has come to represent from the Mayan perspective.

Have a great day.
We will expose more on the coming posts.......

Thursday, May 7, 2009

How far down the rabbit hole do you want to go?

Now, for this to really get rolling, first I  must ask you some things: Who are you? What are you made of? Did you know water can be manipulated by using words and thoughts? Did you know that it is a scientific fact and not just some "new age" idea? Did you know that you are energy? Yes you are, and that is a scientific fact too. Did you know that you are probably addicted to what you do with your life on a constant basis? Did you know you can be addicted to fighting? Did you know that Indians could not see Christopher Columbus's ships at first because they had never seen such a thing? Their minds didn't accept something that had not been perceived before and the images got blocked. Can you believe this? Can you understand it? If it's true, is this why the mass population of this planet has not been able to collectively see Alien Spaceships? Are social paradigms so influential on human minds?

Trying to figure out these questions is what people call "going down the rabbit hole". I will leave you with a small part of the video called,  "What the bleep do we know?"   

Back to the law of attraction.

Here we are, back to The Law of Attraction after having made a parenthesis to let you know about the Exopolitics European Summit. That is a topic that we will discuss a little bit later, but now let's focus on The Law of Attraction. This post will serve as a conclusion to the understanding of the Law of Attraction. There's so much to be written about it but for now we are going to leave it here. 

The Law of Attraction must not be seen as a mystic power or as a paranormal ability; this law, like the law of graviy, is perfectly natural and it applies to everyone of us. We all use it all of the time. We attract everything; every person, every job, every situation, every love experience, every car, every house, every adventure, every friend and abosolutely everything. 

It is not necessary to fully understand it right away. It's enough if one only gets the basic idea. WE ATTRACT THINGS WITH OUR THOUGHTS. Many people in the past have prove it. From the most miserable situations, many people have transformed their lives and are living in a wealthy manner. Understand that wealthiness does not only mean to have money, but to enjoy every aspect of your life with all that makes you happy. It is important to respect other people's opinion with the understanding that everyone is different and that sometimes, what someone likes, others might dislike. Diversity in this planet is what gives it it's beauty and what makes it so exciting. And for the very last part I would like to give you a tip: The positive energy that has the most wonderful effect in everone's life is LOVE, which comes from inside and not from the outside. PONDER THAT FOR A WHILE.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Extraterrestrial disclosure on July, 2009

I thought it was important to let you know that on July, this present year, near the city of Barcelona, the Exopolitics European Summit will be presented to more than 1,000 people. There, many true experts on the matter will inform the audience about the knowledge that has been kept secret for many years now. They will not try to convince people, but they will  show the facts that prove that, "We are not alone in the Universe and we never have been".

Some important people that will be present:  

Alfred L. Webre, who in 1977 directed a project of extraterrestrial communication proposed to the White House (at the Stanford Research Institute during Jimmy Carter's presidency)

Dr. Steven Greer, Director of the ''Disclosure Project'', which has compiled testimonies from more than 500 high ranking military.

Amoung others... 

The place: Hotel Meliá Sitges', 35 minutes from Barcelona.

Get ready people. This might blow your minds. 

Monday, May 4, 2009

The Law of Attraction and Abraham

Just follow the stream and visualize your dream life for 17 seconds or more on a constant basis...then it'll be settled. If you look for things to feel good about, you'll find things to feel good about; and if you feel good you allow manifestation in your life and thus, you enjoy your experience in this world. Then, and only then, you will have a basis to guide the people around you. It is not selfishness, it is about filling yourself up in order to have something that can be given to others.

This is what I've learned from this entity called Abraham.

"Trust more." - Abraham

When each one of us was born in this planet, many angels living here said: "Welcome to planet Earth".

The Law of Attraction and Mr. Einstein

Look on the Internet. You will find many quotes of Albert Einstein. During the first part of his life, he was thought to be a kid with learning problems; he had lousy grades in Math, and probably in other subjects too, while he was attending elementary school. You can imagine what his teachers thought of him; ADD might come to mind. Well that was before. Afterwards, things changed and it was a totally different story. He became one of the most brilliant theoretical physicists that has ever existed. He was granted a nobel prize for his contributions to theoretical physics and especially for his discoveries on the laws of photoelectric effects. 

He said:

"Imagination is everything, it is the preview of life's coming attractions." -AE

"Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love." -AE

"The only real valuable thing is intuition."-AE

"Great spirits have often encountered violent opposition from weak minds." - AE

On a personal note, he's helped me achieve the success that I want in life. BE A GREAT SPIRIT!!! ;)

The Law of Attraction and Thomas Edison

He's famous for saying: "Have faith and go forward". Most of you readers know who Mr. Edison was but for those who don't, let me tell you he was the one who invented the lightbulb, amoung many other things. He said he tried over 1,000 times until he finally created a working lightbulb. He never gave up and that's why he succeeded. "When people give up, it's just because they didn't realize how close they were from the finish line."- He said something like that too. 

The Law of Attraction and Beethoven

He was a self determined person. He had a clear vision of what he wanted to do. But guess what? He also had a hearing disorder that left him totally deaf during the last years of his life. Surprisingly, also during his last years, he produced many of his most extraordinary works. Incredible composer.

Defining The Law of Attraction

I thought it would be good to start by explaining what The Law of Attraction is. People have labeled it in many ways: Power of thought, The Secret, Power of the universe, positive thinking, etc. I will tell you how I've come to understand it. After, I will show you how it has been explained by many famous characters all through history. 

What is it? It's a state of mind in which you control  your ideas and the conception of your own self, managing to always be aware of your actions and words. By controlling these aspects of your life you start to understand the world you have created and you begin to create the world you want to live in.  YES, you create the world you want to live in. This is not a cliche. Once you understand that positve, happy, healthy thinking will lead you to the life of your dreams, then you will have mastered your experience in this world.

Now, there's a tip that I consider very useful. You know how people sometimes get bored of their daily activities? How some people just feel sad for no logical reason, even when they have a good job and a good family? Well there is a reason for this. WE, human beings, are  creative creatures by nature. Remember when you were a kid? You probably were looking for new stuff to do in a constant basis. You created your own world. And you were happy. Nothing was impossible; you knew there was always a way. Well, guess what? Things have not changed, adults  have (in most of the cases). If someone is sad for no apparent reason, it is beacuse he/she is not doing what he/she really wants to do. Sometimes, people act as walking automats because they are doing something that does not makes them happy and they have no clue about it. Our goal in this world is to enjoy the adventure of life in every possible manner. Our mission is to run towards our dreams here in planet earth. What I'am trying to say is that you should constantly create things, big and small things, and after you finish that what you started, you should start another thing. You will discover that the path you will be entering will be fullfilling and adventurous. You will get to know yourself better and you will discover exactly what you like most. YOU JUST HAVE TO START. You can be anything you want!!! You just have to know what that is and then start "walking" to it.

One last thing. Delete all fears!!! Put them in the recycling bin of your system. Be the light you want to see and never focus on the dark aspects of your existance. Soon you will be only light!

Once you start doing this, you will attract all you need and everything in your life will be in the same frecuency of your ideas. And that my friends, IS the what people call The Law of Attraction. Don't underestimate it, for it's real.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Illuminating the path..

So, great concern exists about great events that are prophesized to happen in the near future. Some say the world will completely change in the year 2012, some say changes can be expected sometime in 2009 and yet others point to the  year 2013. Who is correct? Who has got the date correct? One thing is for sure people; we will all know the correct answer when we get to those dates. THE KEY WORD IS CHANGE!!! THE WORLD WILL CHANGE... The question is HOW?

I create this blog to expose a collection of data related to topics like 2012, mayan calendar, galactic federation of light, the law of attraction and many many mysteries of the world that people should know of. My goal is to objectively expose all this topics and drain away all sort of fanatism and disinformation.  I invite everybody who wants to share their investigations to join this BLOG and discuss any information that he/she finds important. 

From my own very personal experience, I can start by talking to you about the law of attraction. For starters, let me say IT REALLY REALLY EXISTS!!!! You must get that first. If you do not accept this, then you are free to leave the blog. But I advise you that if you continue with us you might discover a wonderful world that has always been available to you; the problem is that you just haven't been able to see it. I'am looking forward to begin this blog... this first topic, The Law of Attraction. I will prepare interesting material on this and will be posting it as soon as possible. Have the greatest day!