The world of hate and materialism will come to an end on the 21st of December of 2012, and with it the end of fear. On that day, humanity will have to choose whether to disappear as a thinking species who threatens to destroy the planet, or to evolve into the harmonic integration with the whole universe, understanding and becoming aware that everything is alive and that we are all part of that same whole, that same everything, and that we can exist in a new era of light.
The first prophecy tells us that since 1999 there are only 13 years left to generate the changes in conscience and attitude, to get away from the path to destruction through which we are going, towards a different road that will open our minds and consciences so we can integrate with everything that exists. The Mayans knew that our sun is a living being that breathes and that every certain amount of time synchronizes with the big organism in which it exists; they knew that when the sun receives a spark from the center of the galaxy, it shines with more energy, producing on it's surface what scientists call solar eruptions and magnetic changes; they say that this happens every 5125 years, that Earth is affected by the changes in the sun through a displacement on it's rotational axis, and they predicted that when such movement begins, many great cataclysms should happen. For the Mayans, the universal processes, as the breathing of galaxies, are cyclical and never change; what changes is man's consciousness, which goes through them, always in a path to perfection (let's remember Jesuschrist's message: "Be perfect as thy father in the kingdom of heavens.") The Mayans predicted that on December 22, 2012 the sun, after receiving a powerful synchronizing ray from the center of the galaxy, will change its polarization and will produce a gigantic and radiant flare. Because of that, humanity must be prepared to go through the gate that was left by the Mayans; transforming the current civilization which is based on fears, into a much higher vibration of harmony; only individually one can go through the gate that allows the avoidance of the great cataclysm that the planet will suffer so that a new era can begin, in a sixth cycle of the sun.
The first prophecy talks to us about the time of no time, a period of 20 years that started in 1992 and will end in 2012, when humanity would enter the last period of great learnings, great changes. As well, it announces that seven years after this periods begins, an age of darkness would start and that it would make everyone of us face our own conducts. The Mayans said the words of their priests were going to be heard by all of us as a guide to wake up; they refer to this period as the time when humanity will enter the great hall of mirrors, a time of changes to face men against himself, so that he can enter the great hall of mirrors and watch his own self, and analyze his behavior with himself, with others, with nature and the planet in which he lives. A time so that all humanity, by conscious decision of each and everyone of us, decides to change, eliminating fears and the lack of respect in all our relationships.
Translated by,
Raúl Rivera
In Search for the Truth
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