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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The 7th Mayan Prophecy

The seventh Mayan prophecy speaks us of the moment that the Solar System in its cyclical turn leaves at night to enter the dawn of the galaxy.

It says that the 13 years that go from 1999 to the 2012, the light emitted from the center of the galaxy synchronizes all the alive beings and it allows them to accede voluntarily to an internal transformation that produces new realities.

That all the human beings have the opportunity to change and to break their limitations, receiving a new sense; the communication through the thought.

The men who voluntarily find their state of inner peace, elevating their vital energy and taking their frequency of inner vibration of the fear towards the love, will be able to catch and to express itself through the thought and with him will bloom the new sense.

The additional energy of the ray trasmitido by Hunak-Hu activates the genetic code of divine origin in the men who are in a high frequency of vibration, this sense extended the conscience of all the men, generating a new collective and universal individual reality.

One of the greatest trasformaciones will happen at planetary level, because all the men connected to each other like a single everything, will give birth to a new being in the galactic order.

The reintegration of the individual consciences of million human beings will wake up a new conscience in which all will include/understand that they are part of a same gigantic organism.

The capacity to read the thought between the men revolutionized the civilization totally, will disappear all the limits, will finish the lie for always because nobody will be able to hide nothing, will begin a time of trasparencia and of light that could not be opacada by any violence or negative emotion, the laws will disappear and the external controls as the police and I exercise, because each being will become person in charge of his acts and it will not be necessary to implement no right or to have by the force.

A world-wide and harmonic government was satisfied to the wisest beings of the planet.

Nationalities will not exist border nor, finished the limits imposed by the private property and the money like means will not be needed interchange.

Technologies were implemented to handle the light and the energy and with them all the necessary one became the matter producing of simple way, ending the poverty for always.

The excellence and the spiritual development will be the result of men in harmony who make the activities with which they vibrate but high, when doing will expand it their understanding.

On the universal order, with the communication through the thought, it will appear a super immunological system that it eliminated the vibrations low of fear, produced by the diseases, prolonging the life of the men.

The new one was did not need the learning of the inverse resistance, produced by the diseases and the suffering, that characterized last the thousands of years of history.

The men who conscious and voluntarily find their peace inner, enter a new time of in contrast harmonic learning, the communication and the reintegration will do that the individual experiences, memories and the acquired knowledge, are available without egoísmos for all the others.

It will be like an Internet at mental level that exponentially multiplied the speed of the discoveries, and they will never be created sinergias before imagined.

The judgments finished and the moral values that they change with the times, like the fashion, will include/understand that all the acts in the life are a way to reach a greater understanding and harmony.

The respect Will be the fundamental element of the culture, will transform to the individual and the community and placed to the humanity in possibility of expanding by the galaxy.

The artistic manifestations, the aesthetic occupations and the communitarian recreational activities occupied the human mind.

Thousand of years founded on the separation between the men who adored a distant God that judges and punishes became for always, the man will live the galactic spring, the blossoming of a new reality based on the reintegration with the planet and all the human beings then we will include/understand that we are integral part of an only gigantic organism and we will connect ourselves with the Earth, with the others, our sun and the whole galaxy.

All the men will understand that the mineral, vegetal kingdom, animal and all the matter scattered by the universe on all the scales, from an atom to a galaxy, are alive beings with an evolutionary conscience.

As of the Saturday the 22 of December of the year 2012 all relations will be based on the tolerance and the flexibility, because the man will feel to other men like another part of itself.

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