Monday, November 16, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
2012 Movie Review!
Why do I think it was a good movie? Because it did exactly what it was supposed to do: It warned people about what might happen, without creating mass panic. That was the whole point. You see, many of the things that were shown in the movie are actual facts about things that are actually happening in the present days. Take Yellowstone for example; even though recently the situation at the park is back to level green alert, this year it was on level red. You did know that it is in fact a supervolcano that could change our history, any day now? And just today, I saw on the Discovery Channel a scientist saying that the situation is still on level red. So, was he outdated? Who knows. The fact is that something is going on underneath the Earth and it is causing it's crust to destabilize. And then probably you would say that I'm just speculating. But wait just a second, there's another thing that suggests these irregularities are happening on the Earth's crust: The magnetic north pole HAS been moving, and this has not been a recent activity. This clearly states that our magnetic field is not static or dormant; quiet the contrary. The magnetic poles indicate that something is going on with our magnetosphere, which is so vital for our existence. Check on google: magnetic north pole. You will find a lot of interesing information. Check also: "Solar maximum". So, maybe we are all speculating about what could happen in 2012, but we cannot ignore the things that are happening now.
Now, how would you warn 6 billion people about a series of events that could change life on planet Earth? How, without generating caos or mass panic or anarchy? Well for example, we could make a movie called "2012"; we could make a documentary about 2012 from a scientific point of view and show it on the Discovery Channel; we can create a T.V. series called "The Universe", so that people could grow a conscience about the reality of the cosmos (by the way, the movie didn't show anything about a celestial object falling from space. That is part of one of the Mayan prophecies); some scientist could show up on CNN and talk about what could happen after the next imminent solar maximum; we can give the massive population of this planet a small dose of information from time to time. All these "techniques" are happening; the media has already been used to create a small level of awareness. Remember the first trailer of "2012"? At the end of it, the makers are asking us, the audience, to DO OUR OWN RESEARCH!: "Google:2012". How does that sound to you? Well, you may say it was just a viral from Sony Pictures or .......... maybe something else?
I ask myself a question: Why would a company such as Sony Pictures create such an elaborated website as the one used by what is known as the Intitute for Human Continuity? To use it as propaganda? Why? They knew the movie was going to be a success anyway! The IHC was not mentioned at all in the movie. Again, why use it?
The things that I liked most about the movie were its messages; one of them was that, we as humans must come together as one in order to surpass such a big calamity. Think about it. Have we been coming together as one, as a species? Michael Jackson asked us to come together as one and people thought he was a bit out of his mind. Personally, I think he was a genius.
The Mayan said that the world of materialism will end in 2012. They also said that we must decide whether to disappear as a species or to evolve into a world of love, unity and harmony. The question is, how many would choose the latter? How many are willing to throw away their richess in order to save the world? How many are willing to get rid of their egos? We'll get the answer in a near future.
Congratulations to the makers of "2012".
In lak' ech.
I am your other you
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Only rumors?! We´ll see if they are just that around thanksgiving.
Sorry about the lousy translations of the Mayan prophecies. I had to do copy/paste them; I had no time to re-write them myself. I could only do so with the 1st prophecy.
In lak' ech.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
The 7th Mayan Prophecy
It says that the 13 years that go from 1999 to the 2012, the light emitted from the center of the galaxy synchronizes all the alive beings and it allows them to accede voluntarily to an internal transformation that produces new realities.
That all the human beings have the opportunity to change and to break their limitations, receiving a new sense; the communication through the thought.
The men who voluntarily find their state of inner peace, elevating their vital energy and taking their frequency of inner vibration of the fear towards the love, will be able to catch and to express itself through the thought and with him will bloom the new sense.
The additional energy of the ray trasmitido by Hunak-Hu activates the genetic code of divine origin in the men who are in a high frequency of vibration, this sense extended the conscience of all the men, generating a new collective and universal individual reality.
One of the greatest trasformaciones will happen at planetary level, because all the men connected to each other like a single everything, will give birth to a new being in the galactic order.
The reintegration of the individual consciences of million human beings will wake up a new conscience in which all will include/understand that they are part of a same gigantic organism.
The capacity to read the thought between the men revolutionized the civilization totally, will disappear all the limits, will finish the lie for always because nobody will be able to hide nothing, will begin a time of trasparencia and of light that could not be opacada by any violence or negative emotion, the laws will disappear and the external controls as the police and I exercise, because each being will become person in charge of his acts and it will not be necessary to implement no right or to have by the force.
A world-wide and harmonic government was satisfied to the wisest beings of the planet.
Nationalities will not exist border nor, finished the limits imposed by the private property and the money like means will not be needed interchange.
Technologies were implemented to handle the light and the energy and with them all the necessary one became the matter producing of simple way, ending the poverty for always.
The excellence and the spiritual development will be the result of men in harmony who make the activities with which they vibrate but high, when doing will expand it their understanding.
On the universal order, with the communication through the thought, it will appear a super immunological system that it eliminated the vibrations low of fear, produced by the diseases, prolonging the life of the men.
The new one was did not need the learning of the inverse resistance, produced by the diseases and the suffering, that characterized last the thousands of years of history.
The men who conscious and voluntarily find their peace inner, enter a new time of in contrast harmonic learning, the communication and the reintegration will do that the individual experiences, memories and the acquired knowledge, are available without egoísmos for all the others.
It will be like an Internet at mental level that exponentially multiplied the speed of the discoveries, and they will never be created sinergias before imagined.
The judgments finished and the moral values that they change with the times, like the fashion, will include/understand that all the acts in the life are a way to reach a greater understanding and harmony.
The respect Will be the fundamental element of the culture, will transform to the individual and the community and placed to the humanity in possibility of expanding by the galaxy.
The artistic manifestations, the aesthetic occupations and the communitarian recreational activities occupied the human mind.
Thousand of years founded on the separation between the men who adored a distant God that judges and punishes became for always, the man will live the galactic spring, the blossoming of a new reality based on the reintegration with the planet and all the human beings then we will include/understand that we are integral part of an only gigantic organism and we will connect ourselves with the Earth, with the others, our sun and the whole galaxy.
All the men will understand that the mineral, vegetal kingdom, animal and all the matter scattered by the universe on all the scales, from an atom to a galaxy, are alive beings with an evolutionary conscience.
As of the Saturday the 22 of December of the year 2012 all relations will be based on the tolerance and the flexibility, because the man will feel to other men like another part of itself.
The 6th Mayan Prophecy
The Mayans saw comets like change agents who came to put in movement the existing balance so that certain structures become, allowing the evolution of the collective conscience.
All the things have a place that corresponds to them, all the circumstances, even most adverse, are perfect to generate understanding on the life, to develop the conscience on the creation.
By this the man has faced unexpected situations constantly that generate suffering to him, is a way to obtain that he reflects on his relation with the world and the others.
Thus throughout many experiences, in many lives, he will include/understand the universal laws of the reason of the creation.
For Mayan the God it is the presence that the life has in all the forms, and its presence is infinite.
The comet of which the sixth prophecy speaks also was announced by many religions and cultures, for example in the Bible, in the book of the revelations, it appears with the name of Wormwood.
If the comet appears it is possible that its trajectory takes it to also hit the Earth or that by means of psychic physicists or we manage to turn aside its trajectory.
The comets always have comprised of the Solar System, thousands of remainders cross, cross, graze, they go and they return periodically, and they even hit the planets that move always calm in you orbit regular around the sun.
The scientific community accepts that it makes 65 million years, in the tertiary cretácico, a comet fell in Chixilub, the Atlantic Ocean in front of the Yucatan Peninsula, causing the extinction of the dinosaurios, its crater of 180 km of diameter contains discharge iridium concentrations, a very rare Earth element but common in asteroids, the appearance from comets to difficult situations has been associated like which it agreed with the eruption of Vesubio volcano that destroyed to Pompeya in year 79 of ours was, or with the overthrow of king Harold by Guillermo the conqueror in England, that in the 1066 was registered in the carpet of Bayeux.
They have caused collective panic like Halley in 1.910, then it was presumed that its tail was of a poisonous gas, the cyanide, were sold million pills to protect itself of him, also have been causes of collective suicides like the one of the 39 members of the cult Heaven Gates in 1.997 that thought that the enormous comet Pulls ahead?
Bopp, with 40 km of diameter, venia to crashing.
The comets always have generated controversy but perhaps never so much as in 1456 when the comet reappeared Halley and was considered an agent of the devil, to which there would be to expel from skies, being excomulgado by Pope Calixto III.
The one was Isaac Newton that discovered that the gravity maintains to planets turning in you orbit defined around the sun, Edmond Halley, its contemporary, I use these calculations to determine you orbit them of the comets, announcing that every 76 years the comet Halley would return, for this reason takes its name.
Also the comets have caused regional disasters like the happened one in Siberia, on laughed Tunguska, when an asteroid of approximately 50 meters of diameter I explode in the air in 1908, instantaneously destroying 2000 km of thick forest.
Some have approached enough the Earth as the comet Wraths Saraki Alcob that in 1983 I approach 6.000.000 of km and could cause an explosion greater than if all the existing atomic pumps exploded simultaneously.
The Mayans always studied and registered the events of the sky, its alert went to prevent to the man the dangers of not knowing you orbit it and periods of great remainders that are crossed the well-known Earth trajectory, they knew that the man modern to discover a so great asteroid ahead of time that she could cause his extinction and soon to turn aside it a one of the greater profits of human history and crucial fact that serious would unite to us like species.
Formerly the celestial sphere was the dominion of the Gods; the surprise appearance of a unknown object that dominated the night was reason for fear and misticismo, by that reason the Mayans constructed dedicated observatories to study the phenomena.
They wanted to understand its unpredictable movements in the sky, specially after they established the positions of planets and stars.
The imminent danger would force to construct a level to us of international cooperation, to establish a system of commando and control over the countries and a structure of world-wide communication.
The this serious only way that the countries would decline their sovereignty to an identity like the united nations, taking step to a world-wide government for the communal property.
It would be a change to learn to extend the separation that is the base of our society.
The 5th Mayan Prophecy
The systems failed to face the man same himself, to make see it the necessity to reorganize the society and to continue in the way of the evolution, that will take to us to include/understand the creation.
At the moment practically all the economies of the world are in crisis, and trillones of dollars has untied to a speculative wave, in everywhere single a 1,5 day change of hand in international the financial markets, 15 % of fall in the markets make disappear a wealth equivalent to the annual production of all you make them of the U.S.A..
From 1995 the world-wide economy not this dominated by the interchange of automobiles, real steel, wheat and other goods and articles but by the currency interchange actions and bonds is to say of virtual wealth with which he is very easy specular, the syndrome of the credit card has become a badly common one, the man becomes indebted itself beyond of which he wins putting his personal economy in the loose cord and that is reflected in all the levels.
The speculation surroundings to the financial capital lead to an economic situation many more delicate than the one of 1,929 before the landslide of stock-market in 1.930.
Almost all the economies are in problems and the governmental life-guards, with money of banks that are on the brink of madness the bankruptcy, even make difficult more all this process.
Situations of high risk in the economic system and the handling of information exist and if to this we added the increase to him in the activity of the sun that can cause irreparable damages in the satellites, the complica situation.
With the blazes solar an unusual dose of rays is received violet extreme that expand to the Earth upper atmosphere diminishing the pressure that exists on the satellites that are to low height, this makes to go down his orbits much more to a fast one breaking away from temporary enemy with them, in the best one of the cases and disrupting all the communications of the planet, also it can happen that the 19,000 objects that are in it orbits of the Earth when receiving a high dose of electromagnetism of the sun, they see damaged his electronic components and they let work for always.
When being affected the ionosphere by the extraordinary solar emissions alterations in all the radio communicationses take place and television because it is in that layer of the atmosphere where trasmiten and the different frequencies are reflected.
We have then which the economies and the communications are very fragile and interconnected systems to all the others, the mains is specially sensible to the solar blazes as it happened during nine hours in all Québec, in 1.989.
The electricity system is the spine of our contemporary societies if they failed, would fail one after the other all other systems as cards of I dominate that they fall consecutively, is said that a system is equal from fort to weakest of its component or links, we imagine as our societies to all these simultaneous events would react, the food would begin to be scarce, the communications would become impossible, the traffic would drive crazy in all the cities, the economy would become paralyzed, most of people would lose the reason, it would begin you disorder civilians that by the amount of involved people would overflow all the expectations and controls of the governments, this situation of total lack of control would modify for always all the systems of the society, the religious systems based on a God that also instills fear would enter crisis would arise a single common spiritual Way for all the humanity that finished with all the limits established in the different ways to see God, the new galactic day this announced by all the religions and cults like a time of peace and harmony for all the humanity.
It is clear then that everything what does not produce east result, must disappear or to become, the new time of light cannot have a humanity based on the military economy of impositions of truths by the force.
The 4th Mayan Prophecy
The Mayans were based on the turn of five hundred eighty and four days of the Venus planet, to calibrate its solar calculations, Venus it is a easily visible planet in the sky, because his it orbits this between the Earth and the sun.
They left registered in the Dresde codex that each 117 noticeable turns of Venus whenever it appears in the same site in the sky, the sun undergoes forts alterations, appear enormous spots or eruptions of solar wind.
They noticed that each 1.872.000 kines or 5,125 years even take place greater alterations and than when this happens the man it must be alert, it is the omen of changes and destruction.
In the Dresde codex also kines appears number 1.366.560 that has a difference of a katum, (20 years) with the number that appears in the temple de la Cruz.
In the temple de la Cruz in Palenque, this carved number 1.366.540 kines.
The difference that with the written down thing in the Dresde codex, is of 20 years or a katum.
It is a this period of time that called the time of the not-time, that is in that we are living from 1992.
The changes in the activity of the sun will be stronger, and since the protections that we have at planetary level are debilitating, the electromagnetic shield that covers this to us diminishing its intensity.
The ozone production in the ionosphere that prevented the passage of ultra-violet rayses, has diminished and have appeared enormous holes on the poles, allowing the arrival of rays of sun to the surface of the planet.
The activity of the man this altering to the composition of the atmosphere, producing the call effect conservatory that catches the heat and increases the temperature.
All these phenomena, when happening simultaneously, will produce alterations in the climate and an increase of temperature in the seas which will quickly melt but the ice in the polar caps.
This caused to an increase in the level of the seas, producing floods in coastal earth and the morphologic modification of the continents where we lived.
The Mayans said that this would be the form that our planet would be cleaned and would turn green again throughout.
The increase of temperature began, scientific information of diverse sources confirms, studies made by the university of Colorado, concludes that glacial and the snow-covered tips worldwide are diminishing their volume remarkably as result of the general increase of temperature in all the planet; glacial the greatest one of Africa in the Kenya mount lost the 92 percent of its mass, the glacial ones of the Kilimanjaro mount have been reduced in a 73 percent, in Spain in 1980 were 27 glacial ones, today he number has been reduced to 13, in European the Alps and in the Caucaso, in Russia, they have been drained in a 50 percent.
In New Zealand and the mounts You Are Chan, between Russia and Chinese, in a 26 percent.
The preliminary calculations of the study say that if the changes continue to same rate, in fifty years will be no snow-covered tips nowhere of the world.
In Antarctica the situation is even more serious, glacial Park Iceland this melting from its center from its edges, is not known that a pool or a frozen lake that begins to melt always does from its center.
The temperature in Antarctica has increased to 2,25 degrees in the last 25 years, and this appearing vegetation in parts where before it did not exist but which ice.
50% of the population of the world live near the sea thus million people will be affected and moved of their homes.
1.998 established record in the high highest temperatures in 600 years, nevertheless, an increase of temperature like which it has come happening quickly does not change the water levels in all the planet, will be a process that will take several years; the only thing which it could obtain it would be a sudden change in the position of the terrestrial crust on his central nucleus, this already has happened several times in the planet when changing the position of the poles.
We know that many things that we do not want that they happen and that they finally cause great tragedies happen, we must be concentrated in producing positive results of our actions and at the same time to grow with the difficulties that we find, we must assume the life and to make our decisions from conscientious way is necessary to be on the awares to the possibilities that can bring a world to us in which all blame to the others of which it happens.
All the prophecies look for a change in the mind of the man because the universe this generating all those processes so that the humanity expands by the galaxy, including/understanding their fundamental integrity yet what exists.
The 3rd Mayan Prophechy
The Mayans say that the increase of the temperature will occur by the combination of several factors, some of them generated by the same man, who in his lack of synchrony with the single nature can produce car processes destruction.
Other factors will be generated by the sun, that when accelerating its activity by the increase of its vibration produces but radiation, increasing the temperature of the planet.
Each one of us somehow we helped to contaminate to the planet or to deforest it with the contamination generated by our automobiles and being thrown remainders and sweepings, causing that the climate of the planet becomes in ours against.
The changes are happening already, but since they are happening very slowly, we have adapted them and we did not perceive them.
The industrialization process that took place in century xx has contaminated dramatically the atmosphere with its toxic gas discharges.
The call acid rain, product of burns of coal or derivatives of the sulfide petroleum and emissions and I oxidize of nitrogen in the industrial scope, take place anywhere in the world and it is concentrated in the urban areas, it corrodes monuments and bridges, it destroys the outer painting, it kills the forests, it damages the Marine life, the cultivated grounds turn the potable water toxic and reduce the visibility.
The polluting chimneys of thousands of indifferent factories to the damage that cause, modified the seasons of rains, the stations and the climate.
In million homes of the planet still one cooks with coal and firewood, creating bonfires that emit great amounts of smoke, ashes, steam of water and carbon dioxide gas.
All this gave rise to the appearance of the effect conservatory, because the carbon particle concentrations that are floating in the atmosphere, chemically react with dioxides increasing the dirt and the temperature.
The air that we breathed is full of particles of carbon monoxide, of oxide of nitrogen and methane, resulting product of the combustion of the gasoline in the motors of million cars and of thousands of thermal plants of electrical generation.
The depredation of forests to turn them culture land, or to extend the cities, has become a common practice.
The forests catch fire that purify the air when turning the carbon dioxide gas that contains in I oxygenate.
The man is not conscious of badly that he is causing to the planet, nor of which there is to seed to replace the vegetation that consumes, all the planet has become a great rubbish dump, we sent containers with radioactive remainders to the bottom of the sea, we loaded whole boats with nondegradables remainders.
The climatic variations as a result of the harmful activities of the man and the changes in the behavior of the sun produce an alteration in rains, diminishes their amount, intensity and regularity.
The increase of the temperature will produce forts winds hurricanes and tornados.
The Hurricanes are gigantic and violent storms, a vortex of destruction and death.
Hurricane in commemoration of the phenomenon and, the flame God badly of the natives of the Caribbean Mitch Hurricane associated to the current of the boy, are evidence of the tendency towards the great disasters caused by the climate, the hydraulic system is fundamental, because the Earth is covered in a 70 percent of water, when increasing the temperature will diminish the relative humidity in the atmosphere, which will bring like consequence less cloudiness in the sky and greater exhibition to the sun having aggravated therefore the problem.
Thus the water of grounds will evaporate taking place great droughts and many forest fires in all the planet, the lack of water will considerably produce great disadvantages in all the vegetation, reducing its growth and diminishing the size of Cosechas.
When being reduced the amount of rainwater, also will diminish the volume of the dams and lakes, creating serious problems to all the Earth fauna.
All this caused to a fort impact in the economy; there will be shortage of supplies and many products that depend on the climate as the forages the cereals the fish and the hydroelectric energy raise of price of vertiginous way.
They will be times of rationing hunger and social displeasure, increased I number of plagues and insects and the tropical diseases like the malaria.
The behavior of the man will be crucial stops on taking the general increase of the temperature caused by its own unconscious conduct.