It was an eclipse without precedents in history that was accompanied by a cosmic cross alignment with Earth at it´s center and including almost all the planets of the Solar System.
They were positioned in the four signs of the zodiac, which are the signs of the four gospel writers, the four guards of the throne, that carry out the Apocalypse according to Saint John. In addition, the shade that projected the moon on the Earth, crossed Europe happening through Kosovo; soon by the Middle East, by Iran and Iraq and later though to Pakistan and India; with its shade it seemed to predict an area of wars and conflicts.
The Mayans maintained that from that eclipse men would easily lose the control of their emotions or would strengthen their inner peace and its tolerance, avoiding the conflicts.
Since then a time would be lived on changes, which would be the waiting room of a new era, before dawn is when the night is at it´s darkest. The end of time is a time of conflicts and great learnings, of wars, collective separation and madnesses, that will generate as well processes of destruction and evolution.
The second prophecy indicates that the energy that is received from the center of the galaxy will increase and will accelerate the vibration in all the universe to lead it to a greater perfection; this will produce physical changes in the Sun and the Earth, as well as psychological changes in the man, altering its behavior, its form to think and to feel; also relationships and the ways of communication, the economics, social systems, systems of order and justice.
Religious beliefs and accepted values will change, men will face his fears and anguishes to solve them, and in that way he will be able to synchronize with the rates of the planet and the universe.
Humanity will concentrated itself on its negative side and will be able to see clearly the things is that have been done wrong, this it is the first step to change its attitude and to obtain the unity that allows the appearance of the collective conscience.
The events that separate us will be increased but also those that unite us.
The aggression, hatred, the families in dissolution, the confrontations by ideologies, religion, models of morality or nationalism.
Simultaneously more people will find Peace and will learn to control their emotions; there will be more respect; men will be more tolerant and understanding and find unity.
An intuitive man will rise with a highest level of internal energy, people with sensitivity and healing powers; but there will also appear fakes that will try to have economic yield at the expense of other people's desperation.
The Mayans predicted that in 1999 a stage of fast changes would begin, the era of the time of no time which is necessary to renew the social and human ideological processes.
At the end of the cycle each man will be his own judge.
When the man enters the hall of mirrors to examine everything what did in the life, he will be classified by the qualities that he has developed in his life; its way to act day after day, its behavior with the others, and their respect by the planet, all will be located according to what they are.
Those that keep and maintain harmony will understand what happens like a process of evolution in the universe.
However there will be others who, because of ambition,fear and frustration, will blame others or God for what will happen. Situations of death and suffering will be generated, but these also will give rise to circumstances of solidarity and respect with others, unity with the planet and the cosmos.
This implies that heaven and hell will be manifesting at the same time, and that each human being will live in one or in the other, depending on its own behavior.
In heaven with the wisdom to extend voluntarily to everything that will happen, or in hell with the ignorance to learn with suffering; two inseparable forces: one that understands that in the Universe everything evolves towards perfection, that everything changes; and other one, surrounded in a material plane that only feeds selfishness.
In the time of the change in times, all options will practically be available, without censorship of no class, and moral values will be laxer than ever so that everyone pronounces freely as he or she is.
The second prophecy affirms that if most human beings change their behavior, and synchronize with the planet, it will neutralize the drastic changes described in the following prophecies; we are to be conscientious that man always decides his own destiny specially at this time; the prophecies are just warnings so that we become aware of the necessity to change course so we can avoid that they become reality.
In Lak'ech
I am your other you.